NaturaSì ENG
The largest and most widespread Italian organic shop (500 stores including those with the CuoreBio brand)

Misura ENG
The historic Italian agri-food brand

Coop ENG
Coop Italia is a system of Italian cooperatives with Coop sales points spread all over the national territory

FederBio ENG
Italian association that brings together organic producers

Novamont ENG
The Novara company is a giant in green chemistry and innovation, excellence of Made in Italy as well as the revolutionary invention of biodegradable plastic derived from corn, Materbi

Legambiente ENG
The most widespread Italian environmental association

Fondazione per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile ENG
An authoritative point of reference for the main sectors and protagonists of the green economy: the economy of sustainable development

Cassa for energy and environmental services, is a public economic body that operates in the electricity, gas and water sectors and is subject to the supervision of Arera and the Ministry of Economy and Finance

Greanpeace ENG
An environmental and pacifist non-governmental organization famous for its direct and non-violent action for the defense of the climate, whales, the interruption of nuclear tests and the environment in general

Università degli Studi RomaTre ENG
An Italian university in Rome -

Oxfam ENG
An international confederation of non-profit organizations dedicated to reducing global poverty through humanitarian aid and development projects

Frascati Scienza ENG
An association of citizens and researchers, sponsored by the research institutes and administrations of the Municipality of Frascati, the province of Rome and the Lazio Region

Fondazione Amaldi ENG
A foundation set up by the Italian Space Agency and the Hypatia Research Consortium, as a project that wants to propose a new way of interpreting applied research and technology transfer in support of the national scientific heritage

Federparchi ENG
The Italian Federation of Parks and Natural Reserves is a trade association that brings together and represents the managing bodies of Italian natural protected areas